First Response Medicine for Terrorist Attacks (What to Do in the First 10 Minutes)
Barry M. Miskin, MD, FACS
SKU: 3429
Manufacturer part number: 9-781581-604344
During any medical emergency the actions taken during the first 10 minutes are the most critical, and this is especially true during a terrorist attack. Medical professionals are unavailable during these crucial first minutes, so it’s up to you to learn the skills to be a medical 'first responder' and take the appropriate action until help arrives. This book will show you how. Although written specifically for use during a terrorist attack, it is invaluable in handling any medical emergency. It provides precise instructions for assessing and treating burns, responding to impact or blast injuries, preserving severed limbs, controlling bleeding, decontaminating people exposed to toxic chemicals, administering CPR to adults, children and even pets, and much more. It also trains caregivers on how to protect themselves from explosive devices or exposure to chemical, biological or nuclear contamination while treating others. Included are checklists of supplies that you should have on hand in your home, office and vehicle for urgent situations, as well as directions for improvising medical equipment from readily available items at the scene. First-Response Medicine for Terrorist Attacks should be in every home, business, government office, school and vehicle in the country. 8 1/2 X 5 1/2, softcover, illus, 96 pp.
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