Handguns (Cartridge-Type)

Books about all types of military smokeless powder cartridge rifles, referencing such topics as assembly / disassembly, gun cleaning / gunsmithing, serial numbers, and historical use.

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.380 Enfield No. 2 Revolver, The

Ian D. Skennerton & Jerald M. Stamps

1911 - The First 100 Years

Patrick Sweeney

300 Colts for the Fort Sumter Relief Expedition (First Revision August 2014)

Colonel Robert D. Whittington III Ordnance Corps U.S. Army

331+ Essential Tips And Tricks (A How-To Guide For The Gun Collector)

Stuart C. Mowbray

44 Henry RF Firearms

Colonel Robert D. Whittington III Ordnance Corps U.S. Army

9mm Parabellum - A History Of The World's 9mm Pistols & Ammunition

Klaus-Peter Konig/Martin Hugo

Allied Small Arms of World War One

John Walter

Arming & Equipping the United States Cavalry 1865-1902

Dusan P. Farrington

Arms & Accoutrements of the Mounted Police

Roger F. Phillips & Donald J. Klancher