Rifles (Cartridge-Type)

Books about all types of military smokeless powder cartridge handguns, referencing such topics as assembly / disassembly, gun cleaning / gunsmithing, serial numbers, and historical use.

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.303 No. 4 (T) Sniper Rifle

Gary R. Smith and Alan Maki

.45-70 Rifles

Jack Behn

.45-70 Springfield Book

Albert Frasca

.45-70 Springfield Book II 1865-1893, The

Al Frasca

.45-70 Springfield, The - 4th Edition, Revised and Expanded

Joe Poyer & Craig Riesch

.577 Snider-Enfield Rifles & Carbines

Ian D. Skennerton

.58- and .50-Caliber Rifles and Carbines of the Springfield Armory, 1865-1872, The

Richard A. Hosmer

'03 Springfield Rifles Era, The

Clark S. Campbell

'03 Springfield Service Rifle, 'An Illustrated Guide To The'

Bruce N. Canfield